Determined to make a new start, Carrie leaves Texas and heads to Palm Beach to pick up the pieces of her shattered and broken life. The last thing she expects is to find herself attracted to her first client at her new job—Brad Larson, who has proven himself time and time again to be caddish.
But there’s something beneath the surface of Brad’s arrogant exterior that keeps her craving more of him—something almost sweet that Carrie can’t seem to resist.
Is Carrie ready to take another chance on romance? And will this new design of her life prove to be the right one…?
Review Rating: 4 LIGHTNING BOLTS
Review: A good job and a long time steady boyfriend. Her sister is her best friend and they have good times. On a date where things could potentially turn out amazing turns out...a bit less than that. Okay, maybe that's understating it a bit. Carrie's whole world turns upside down. While one thing might lead to good, something else changes.
While I wanted Carrie to not be so upset over someone, i've been in her shoes to a point, and even though I hoped she'd put the person in his place, I understood every single one of her emotions. I was happy when she decided to make some changes and start over.
I think that worked out in her favor!
I love the relationship between Carrie and her sister. It's heartwarming and I love their closeness. I love how Carrie's life begins to turn around and she even meets someone new, someone who treats her so much better!
The Right Design is a light story of relationships, self discovery and finding real love. It was a relaxing delight to sit down and read through this story. The author's writing is wonderful, the story flowed and had all the good aspects I was looking for. Definitely going to be watching for more from her!
Want to know more about the author? Check out the interview below!
Tell me about yourself, and your writing:
First of all, thank you for having me today, Nikki!
Here are a few facts about myself:
1. I write under a pseudonym; my real name is Chauncey.
2. I live in Dallas, Texas, with my husband of almost 4 ½ years, and our cat, named Thorndike.
3. I hate the color pink.
4. I was recently asked to be a godmother, which has inspired me to think about writing books for children, (believe it or not, this scares me more than writing a MS of 50,000+ words).
5. Above anything, my family will always come first.
And here are a few facts about my writing:
1. I believe the first short story that I completed was based on characters and a scene that I saw on The Bold & the Beautiful. It was quite erotic for someone my age—thanks mom for leaving the TV on when soaps were on!
2. My inner-editor can only be switched off when I’m writing during NaNoWriMo. There’s something about being on a deadline helps me stay focused.
3. I’m fortunate to have a dad who gave me an office space where I can write. I love getting up and going to work to an actual office to write. It’s one of my favorite places to be!
4. Often to pick out character names, I read baby name books, which are very helpful.
5. I can only write while listening to classical music.
How long have you been writing? How many published books do you have, and what genres? I’ve been writing for what seems like forever, but I started taking it seriously in March of 2010, when I knew I knew that I shouldn’t wait any long to make my dream to into a reality. I just recently published my first book, a chick lit/contemporary romance, which is titled “The Right Design.”
Do you write in multiple genres or just one? If just one, do you ever consider straying outside your genre? As of right now, I only write in the chick lit/contemporary romance genre. However, last two summers ago, I was motivated by James Patterson to write a thriller, after I read his “Now You See Her.” Also, I’ve started to dabble in writing in erotica, and already have series titles for my stories, too.
Are you a plotter or do you write from the seat of your pants? I wish I could say that I was one or the other, but I can’t. I’ve written a book by being a panster (“The Right Design”) and have written my next release (“Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop”) by way of being a planner. For me, depending on my mood, the season, or an idea for a story, each book is different.
What is a typical writing day like for you? A typical day, what’s that?! My days aren’t the same at all, and that’s one thing I love.
On days I go to my office and work: I wake up, shower, get dressed, fed the cat, grab a juice for breakfast, along with a Lean Cuisine for lunch. I work on whatever it is that day that I need to get done until 3:30 or 4:00 (this can be writing/editing/marketing…the list can go on and on). Then, depending what my husband and I do that night, I’ll go to the store before going home, and then he’ll make dinner, (I love a man that can cook). We’ll unwind on the couch and watch TV, then go to bed, just to do it over again the next day.
However, there are days where I stay home and work. On those days, here’s what that looks like: Wake up, feed the cat, start one of the many loads of laundry that needs to get done, work until 1:00 or so, stop for lunch, then get back to it until 4:30, do the dishes, and then be surprised what the hubby has brought home for dinner, and what he’ll cook. J
Who do you love to read? Favorite authors, favorite books? I love to read chick lit/contemporary romances, along with a few biographies, mixed in with some short story eroica. A few of my favorite authors include Emily Giffin, Jane Green, Mary Kay Andrews, Megan Hart, and Meredith Schorr.
What is something you'd like to accomplish in your writing career next year? To write two complete manuscripts in a year, one in November during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and the other in June.
If you could have one paranormal ability, what would it be? To be in a room where people are talking about me, but they don’t see me. I’d be curious as to what people have to say.
If you could keep a mythical/ paranormal creature as a pet, what would you have? A unicorn.
Tell us a little about your latest release: Here are five things about “The Right Design” that people might not know:
1. I wrote “The Right Design” when I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2012.
2. The two locations based in the book are Dallas, Texas (where I currently live), and Palm Beach, Florida (where my family has a vacation home), which is why I decide to use them—it definitely made the writing easier.
3. Sara and Carrie’s relationship is based on the amazing and special friendship I have with my cousin. While she’s not my real sister, we call each other sisters.
4. Editing this book was my favorite part during the process of this book.
5. The hardest thing was coming up with the title for it.
What is something that you absolutely can't live without? (Other than family members) A calendar! In life, I’m a planner, so I have my calendar with me at all times. Yeah, I might be obsessive with it, but it helps keep me organized!
Could you ever co author a book with someone? If so, who would you choose, and what would you write? Yes, I think I could. While I haven’t done this, I would love to co-author a book with my mom. She’s one of the most imaginative women I know, and always has ideas for my characters/storylines. As for what we’d write, I have no idea, but can guarantee that my parts would be racier than hers. J
If you could spend a day with anyone from history, dead or alive, who would it be, and what would you do? What would you ask them? As a kid, I was obsessed with the Royal Family, and read more than ten biographies/auto-biographies of Princess Diana. I would love to spend a day with her, and I would listen to tell her tell me about what it really was like living with Prince Charles and his mother, the Queen of England. One question I would ask her is, “Who is Harry’s father?” (I still think it might be the redheaded Polo player who she was rumored to have an affair with).
What are some of your other hobbies outside of writing? Fishing, walking on my treadmill (which I need to do more often), hosting game night with friends, and reading.
If you were on the staff to have a book adapted to movie, what would you pick? If I had to pick just one, it would definitely be “Tempting Fate” by Jane green. That book was written so beautifully, and I would love to see it be on the big screen.
What is a talent you wish you had, but don't? What a great question! Believe it or not, I wish I had the ability to walk in heels. I have bad knees and don’t have such great strength in my ankles either, which leads me to be in flats most of the time. While they are much more comfortable, especially my pair of Tieks, it would be nice to be over the 5’0” mark—at least for a few hours. J
Favorite color? Purple!
Weather: Hot or cold? I live in Texas where it’s either always hot or even hotter, so the colder, the better! It’s a proven fact that I’m nicer when it’s cold outside.
Favorite place to read? Anywhere! I always have a book with me, so whether I’m reading while getting my nails done, on the couch while the hubby is watching TV, or in bed, if I’m comfortable, I’ll can be found reading.
Favorite meal: I’m a foodie, so I enjoy most types of food, yet I try to keep it healthy. The site www.SkinnyTaste.com is amazing, and I’ve found some very delicious recipes, one of which is the Chicken and White Bean Enchiladas with Creamy Salsa Verde, (we like it spicy, so we add extra jalapenos!). They are to die for yummy—and they go along with a Mexican beer or margaritas, too!
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Ice water with either lemon or lime.
If you could travel anywhere and do anything, no limits or money holding you back, where would you go? I’m actually more of a homebody, but I’ve always wanted to go to London and see Buckingham Palace.
Author Bio:
Isabella grew up with a book in her hand, and to this day nothing has changed. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and has been featured on several blogs. While Isabella doesn't blog a lot, she focuses her time on featuring other writers, along with writing and editing. Isabella Louise Anderson created Chick Lit Goddess to share the love of the following genres: Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance, Romance, and Romantic Comedies! She loves featuring authors and their books. She lives in Dallas with her husband and cat. She enjoys spicy Mexican food and drinking margaritas, and can be found spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Texas Rangers, and reading. Isabella's short story, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, was featured in Simon & Fig's Christmas anthology, Merry & Bright, in November 2013. The Right Design is her first novel.
Isabella grew up with a book in her hand, and to this day nothing has changed. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and has been featured on several blogs. While Isabella doesn't blog a lot, she focuses her time on featuring other writers, along with writing and editing. Isabella Louise Anderson created Chick Lit Goddess to share the love of the following genres: Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance, Romance, and Romantic Comedies! She loves featuring authors and their books. She lives in Dallas with her husband and cat. She enjoys spicy Mexican food and drinking margaritas, and can be found spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Texas Rangers, and reading. Isabella's short story, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, was featured in Simon & Fig's Christmas anthology, Merry & Bright, in November 2013. The Right Design is her first novel.
Author Links:
Author Website: http://www.isabellalouiseanderson.com
Author Facebook “Like” page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isabella-Louise-Anderson-Author/253277964716883
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/chicklitgoddess/
Chick Lit Goddess Links:
Website: http://chicklitgoddess.com
Chick Lit Goddess “Like” page: https://www.facebook.com/chicklitgoddess
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChickLitGoddess
Purchase links:
Amazon (Kindle and paperback): http://www.amazon.com/Right-Design-Isabella-Louise-Anderson-ebook/dp/B00IW8UFTS/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-1&qid=1401508824
Amazon - Canada: http://www.amazon.ca/Right-Design-Isabella-Louise-Anderson-ebook/dp/B00IW8UFTS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1401508868&sr=8-2&keywords=the+right+design
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-right-design-isabella-louise-anderson/1118887877?ean=2940149305407
Thanks so much for the glowing review of "The Right Design." I'm so glad you enjoyed Carrie's journey.
ReplyDeletethanks for hosting Nikki!