Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Choosing You Review

Choosing You
Jade Series #1
By: Allie Everhart

When Jade is given a scholarship to an elite private college in Connecticut, she sees it as a chance to finally escape her painful past and get a fresh start. She’s determined to succeed and that means keeping her focus on school and not guys. But her plan falls apart her first day on campus when Garret, a rich prep school boy with swimmer abs and a perfect smile, offers to help her move in.

Jade tries to push him away, but she can’t deny her attraction to him and Garret won’t let her. Things quickly heat up between them, but then come to a sudden halt when reality hits and Jade realizes that a relationship with Garret may never be possible. He comes from a world of wealth where there are rules, including rules about who he can date. And not following those rules has consequences.

As the two of them try to overcome the obstacles working to keep them apart, Jade is confronted with another challenge. On her 19th birthday, she receives a letter that her now deceased mother wrote years ago. In it are revelations that explain her traumatic childhood but also make her question the past she’s been running from.
Note: This is a New Adult novel and contains mature language and situations.

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Author Info  
Allie Everhart writes about dating, love, and romance. She’s also a freelance writer for magazines and websites. Before freelancing, she was a book editor for a publishing company where she worked on several NYT bestselling nonfiction books. She loves to read as much as she loves to write. And when she’s not reading or writing, she’s outside running, which is when she gets her best book ideas.
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Review Rating: 4.5 LIGHTNING BOLTS

Review: Dear author. How dare you write a kick butt book that I so enjoyed and left me with that ending! To top it, I don't have the rest of the books, I want them badly, but I cannot get them at least for another week or two. This does not bode well for this impatient reader who needs to know the rest of the story like NOW!!!!!

Rant over :)

That being said: 

I wasn't sure how I felt about the story at first. Well, at least about Jade. She's very jaded. Yes, I know that was goofy of me to do, but I'm serious. Jade has some serious trust issues with people and she seems kinda standoffish at first. To a point, I get it. She comes off as snippy and a little cold. I didn't understand the characteristics until later on in the story where things were pieced together and I could finally get why she had that attitude. 

Garrett- Oh, love him! He's had his own past, but has pulled himself together. He's a bit mysterious, but I love how he is with Jade. I love their building friendship. One of the most refreshing things about this book is that this couple doesn't jump into bed for sex immediately. No, the relationship builds beautifully, and with that I mean it takes it's time to give us a glimpse of the characters and doesn't shove a relationship or sex in our faces.  Well done.  There's a little bit of drama, but nothing over the top. I loved Jade and Garrett learning about each other and working on their issues. Jade has plenty of pain in her past and she can't seem to let it go.  The story made me laugh, a few times I was in tears, and then...then that ending. OMG! A quick turn of events brought on an element of mystery from the past and it's going to drive me CRAZY!!! It's going to haunt my dreams, keep me awake and I blame the author. Yes, yes I do. 

Okay, I went off again. I really enjoyed this story. The writing is good, the characters well done, though I do wish we could have had some POV with Garrett. 

This is my first read by the author, and won't be the last although I wish I could get them sooner. Real life, why must you get in the way? Don't you know not to get in the way of a book junkie and her addiction? 

Well done, Ms. Everhart. 

     He puts his phone away. “Can I come in? I’m kind of a target out here in the hall.”
A target for what?” I ask, moving aside to let him in.
Girls fondling me.” A smirk crosses his face as he waits for my reaction.
Please tell me you’re kidding. Because if you’re not, then I need to start upping the insults again to bring you back down to earth.”
He’s trying hard to keep a straight face. “You saw Ava just now. Girls just can’t help themselves. What can I say?”
I shake my head and start rummaging through my drawer for a shirt. “I can help myself. I’m completely immune to whatever you think you’ve got going on over there.” 
Yeah, I know,” he mumbles. “You need some help?”
Why? You think I can’t dress myself?”
He stands next to me, staring down at the open drawer. “Everything in here is black.”
Yeah.” I close the drawer and open the one beneath it. “And everything in here is white.”
Where are your other shirts?”
That’s it. Well, I have a few in the closet.”
He walks over to look. “You only wear black or white?”
Uh, yeah. Are you just getting that? You’ve seen me how many times and you’ve never noticed that?”
Huh. I guess not.”
It’s just easier that way. Black and white go with everything.” I take a black t-shirt from the drawer.
You should wear purple sometime.”
I almost choke laughing. “Purple? Are you joking?”
What’s wrong with purple?”
I’ve never worn anything purple in my life. I’ve never even considered it. It’s one of those weird colors that old ladies wear.”
Lots of people wear purple. And with your green eyes, you would look great in purple.”
I hate my green eyes. The last thing I want to do is draw attention to them.”
He comes closer and lifts my chin up with his hand. “How could you hate your eyes? They’re the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Why do you think I’m always staring at them?”
Yeah, that’s hilarious.” I push him back. “Now get out of here so I can change. Wait in the hall. I’ll be like two seconds.”
Jade, you know I’m not safe out there.” He says it as if he’s really in danger. “Did you see all those girls running around in towels and robes?”
I roll my eyes. “I swear. The insults are coming, my friend. So tell your ego to get ready.”
He stands there.
You’re really not leaving? Fine. Then turn around.”
I change into my jeans and black shirt. “Okay, I’m done.” 
He inspects me. “Yeah. You definitely need some color. The black and white thing is getting old.”
Well, I’m not planning on buying new clothes so you’ll have to get over it.” I search through my desk drawer for money. “How much are movie tickets? I haven’t been to a movie in years, so I have no clue. Six bucks? Seven?”
Don’t worry about it. Let’s go.”
Garret, you’re not paying.”
You just saved me from being man-handled by Ava. That’s at least worth the price of a movie ticket. Maybe even some popcorn, too.”

Series Info
Description of The Jade Series
The Jade Series is a New Adult Romance that follows the relationship of Jade and Garret in their first year of college. In Choosing You, (Jade 1), Jade and Garret meet on Jade’s first night at Moorhurst College and despite their strong attraction to each other, they’re not allowed to date because of the strict rules that control Garret’s life. In Knowing You, (Jade 2), Garret breaks the family rules and begins dating Jade. Their relationship grows deeper but issues from Jade’s past complicate matters. Loving You (Jade 3) shows Jade and Garret growing closer as a couple but also hints at the trouble that lies ahead in Promising You (Jade 4), in which a new challenge emerges for Garret that could interfere with the future he wants with Jade. Originally, book 4 was the end of the series, but fans wanted more of Jade and Garret, so Allie recently published Forever You, an all-new, full-length follow-up book to The Jade Series.

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