
Monday, April 7, 2014

Hollywood Temptation

Hollywood Temptation
Scarlet Wilson

About the book:

Hollywood surgeon Colt Travers needs a new receptionist ASAP. When the adorable—and completely broke—Selena Harris comes in needing stitches, he takes a risk and hires her on the spot. She can pay off her bill, and he won’t have to answer the phone anymore. They're opposites in every way, and she's exactly what he doesn’t want in a woman—impulsive, carefree, and amusing. He's trying to resist her, but the longer she's around, the further he sinks into temptation.
Selena never meant to get herself in such deep financial straits. LA has way too much temptation, from high-end shopping to gorgeous men, and now her life is in chaos. But Colt is different—responsible and noble—and although their chemistry is off the charts, he’s keeping her at arm’s length. She's determined to win his trust--and his heart--but will the secrets she's desperately trying to hide ruin their chance for a big Hollywood happy ending?
Hollywood Temptation Links:
Amazon B&N Kobo Entangled Website Goodreads

Author Bio: Scarlet Wilson wrote her first story aged 8 and has never stopped. Her family have fond memories of ‘Shirley and the Magic Purse’ with its army of mice, with names all beginning with the letter ‘m’. An avid reader Scarlet started with every Enid Blyton book, moved on to Sweet Valley, and many years later found romance novels.

Her fiancĂ© has never read one of her books but believes all the heroes are based on him. And because he’s never read any of her books Scarlet is quite happy for him to keep thinking that!

Scarlet writes for Harlequin Mills & Boon Medical and Romance lines and Entangled Publishing. Scarlet lives on the West Coast of Scotland with her fiancé and their two sons.

She can be reached via her website

Indulgence’s Links:
Twitter: @IndulgenceBooks

Review Rating: 3 LIGHTNING BOLTS

My review: I admit, the title caught me first. It had the word Hollywood in it! I immediatley thought; oooh, an actor/actress leading character!  Nope! I was wrong. Guess that's what I get for not reading the blurb, huh?

Still, Hollywood Temptation was a good read. The writing was great, the flow excellent. However, my issue lies within the characters.  First off, I could not connect with Selena.  I did feel bad for her in the beginning, as she's just getting slammed with things (Kinda literally, too, but I won't get into that!) She seemed a little shallow to me, but now she has to grow up and figure out what she's going to do.  

Enter Colt. Selena's in need of fixing up. (Again, literally, but you'll have to read to find out) and it turns out she's a bit down on her luck. Well, no. More than a bit. So, he takes her on as an employee for awhile to take care of her debt.  I really like Colt, but I didn't find him as well developed either.  The characters just didn't pull me as much because I don't know enough about them (Other than some with Selena, but it wasn't in a positive way) 

Then, I just felt like while there was some chemistry, I didn't feel the love connection and as fast as they fell in love. It didn't feel real to me.  Overall, I did like the storyline, I think the writing is fantastic, but I would have loved much more character development.  I'll check out other titles from the author in the future! 

Excerpt Two:
She rustled some papers in front of her. “I left a few letters on your desk that need your signature.”
Her eyes kept flickering back and forth to him and she was biting her lip. It was obvious she wanted to say something else.
What?” He folded his arms across his chest. “What is it?”
She tilted her head. “I noticed a few things in your office…”
Such as?”
She spun her chair around so she was facing him, her arm brushing against his knee. There was a mischievous glint in her eye as she counted things off on her fingers. “Such as the Captain Picard figure next to your computer. The signed picture of Leonard Nimoy. The framed Firefly script on the wall, next to the Star Wars cast photo.” She leaned forward, “But what I really want to know is, is that a genuine Star Trek communicator you’ve got in the glass case?”
Unexpected. Totally left field. A fellow sci-fi freak. Fantastic.
This woman just got better and better.
He laughed. “You’re every guy’s dream date, aren’t you?”
She started playing with the top button on her shirt, deliberately twiddling it between her finger and thumb, almost as if she were about to undo it… “Well, is it?”
He leaned forward. “You mean you didn’t try and pry the glass apart to see?”
Of course I did. Any self-respecting Trekkie would.” She held up a finger to reveal a slightly bent nail. “Unfortunately I didn’t have my sonic screwdriver with me.”
He wiped his brow in mock relief. “Thank goodness. You have no idea what I had to do to get that.” He lifted his eyebrows, “Or who I had to operate on.”
Her eyes widened, the excitement clearly visible. “Spill,” she demanded.
He shook his head. “Oh no. My lips are sealed. I could tell you, but then I’d need to kill you with my genuine from-the-set light saber.”
She let out a shriek and jumped up from her seat. “You haven’t?”
I have.”
Luke’s or Darth Vader’s?”
He winked. “I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you. Hollywood secrets.”
There was something so nice about this. Someone else who appreciated his love of all things sci-fi. And this wasn’t some ploy to try and endear herself to him. No woman could possibly know all these things without being a true fellow fan. Finally someone he could talk to about who was the best Star Trek captain, and which was the best Star Wars film.
The last woman he’d dated had given an obvious shiver of distaste when she’d seen his collection - the kind that made him feel like a high school geek. Not the most romantic turn-on in the world.
Selena collapsed into the chair next to him and threw her hands in the air. “If you’re not going to share, I’ll let you know right now I’ll find a way of making you talk.”
He laughed. “Told you, my lips are sealed.”
She shook her head. “I should be finishing up. I’m getting tired and want to get home and to bed.” She shot him a sideways glance. “Home to watch my favorite episode of Star Trek with the Borg.”
He tried not to grin. He couldn’t resist, no matter how hard he tried. “Do you always go to bed early, Selena? You don’t strike me as the type.” The smell of her perfume was drifting into his nostrils. It was sultry. Something sensuous and spicy. Their gaze met. That green again. Even in this dim light it was impressive. Kind of like the eyes you would expect on a temptress or a siren, wooing men in just by looking at them. He couldn’t stop smiling around her.
Nor could he stop the range of X-rated thoughts he was having about her.
Helen would kill me. Twice, without a second thought.
Then there was the fact she was paying off a bill and the fact she’d told him she’d just been dumped by her boyfriend. The last thing he wanted was a rebound fling.
But he wasn’t listening. Not at all.
There was a glint of fire in her eyes and a devilish grin on her face. She was an experienced woman. She definitely knew the art of flirtation. “What do I strike you as?”
He felt an instant response in his body—one that was entirely inappropriate for their surroundings. Since when did she sound so husky? Boy, she was good.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review and info on this book -I like the premise and love the cover...Yumm! Will definitely have to check it out
