
Thursday, January 30, 2014


Amy Jarecki

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press

Date of Publication: 12/3/13

ISBN: 978-1-62237-234-8
ASIN: B00H343Y1S

Number of pages: 338
Word Count: 88,640

Cover Artist: Kim Jacobs

Book Description:

Sheltered, raised in rural Utah, Zoe Marshall has never heard of the Mayan Prophecy of the Golden Goddess—but she’s about to.

At the moment she’s thrilled to have landed her dream job dancing on a cruise ship where she meets Belizean Gabriel AhKin. The sizzling bartender stirs her passion.
When the ship docks in Belize, Zoe disappears—spirited into the bowels of a Mayan cult led by a reclusive fanatic. When the madman sees her, he divines Zoe is the Golden Goddess. She is “the one” to fulfill the prophecy. Now Gabriel’s driving obsession is to save the woman who’s captured his heart.

 Virtue “The Cut Scenes” Book, is free to everyone on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and the iBookstore.


The first time the hero sees the heroine:
Long blond hair fluttered with the breeze, legs that wouldn’t stop, and a body so well proportioned, he’d only seen the likes in swimsuit editions of Sports Illustrated.
She looked his way and his breath caught. He quickly glanced down, busying himself with the glasses. Gabriel’s heart thundered in his ears as she approached.
Hi,” she said, her American accent friendly, not bitchy like other incredibly beautiful tourists he’d encountered. “You think I could get a Diet Coke?”
Gabriel looked up. She smiled, white teeth, eyes that reflected the sea, flawless skin. “Ah. Sure.” He reached for a glass, one of the fancy plastic tumblers. He scooped in some ice and grabbed a toothpick umbrella, garnishing it with a lime and a red maraschino cherry. Holding up her special drink, he grinned. “Why diet?”
She lowered her extraordinarily long lashes. “I’m a dancer—always watching my figure, you know.”
You’re a dancer on the ship?”
She took a sip. “Uh huh. Arrived last night.” When she leaned in, he caught a delicious fragrance like rain falling on orange blossoms. “I’m pretending I’m lost and taking a little self-guided tour on my way to the theater. I thought I’d have a look around before spending who knows how many hours tied to the stage.”
Off to rehearse, huh?”
Yep. Had to learn two shows in a week.” She pointed to her white flip-flops. “I’m wearing these to air out the blisters on my toes.”
He glanced down, but only made it as far as her well-muscled, slender thighs. Perfection. “Sounds painful.”
It’ll be all right.” She leaned closer with the most adorable smile he’d ever seen in his life. “Know what?”
Gabriel hoped drool wasn’t draining out the corner of his mouth. “What?”
The lead dancer is leaving the show after this tour, and I’ve been picked for the fan dance.”
God in heaven, why did that not surprise him? He’d choose her for any spotlight dance. He’d pick her just to stand center stage for hours on end. You want to drape those pegs across my bar so I can stare at them all day? Holy mother, she could do anything she wanted.

About the Author:

Before college, I was a showgirl. I toured—singing and dancing my way around the world in a review called Follies on Broadway. Several years later, I dreamed up the plot for VIRTUE after I took a cruise to Belize...

How cool would it be to write a romantic suspense about a dancer who falls in love with a hot Belizean man and ends up in more trouble than Indiana Jones?

Twitter: @amyjarecki

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki! Thank you for hosting me on your blog today! Love your stormy blog :-)
